Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

BS Hons. Film and Broadcast Media Studies

Program Introduction
Considering the importance of News and Entertainment Industries in Pakistan, department of Film and Broadcasting has designed BS Hons. (4 years) in Film and Broadcast Media Studies in a way covering the wider aspects of broadcast media including traditional and digital media. From hardcore Journalism to Film and Drama production, our designed courses are gripping every aspect in depth so that our students can have a comprehensive knowledge and understanding about various dimensions of Broadcast Media.
BS Program includes various courses related to Journalism and News Media. We offer courses connected to Radio, Television and Multimedia/Convergence media journalism. Through these courses, students will get theoretical and practical understanding about broadcast journalism from news writing to reporting, and production to anchoring. These courses will enable them to work confidently and competently in national and international news media organizations.
In addition, our BS Program includes courses related with Film and Drama Production. Beyond cinema and TV screens, now films and dramas have taken control over digital platforms as well. Our aim is to provide our students with cutting-edge tutoring on film and drama production as a combination of technique, creativity, production and analysis. We hope to give our students an in-depth understanding of film and drama language, making them explore the practical field under the supervision of the real time practitioners and filmmakers. The degree focuses on writing, presenting, producing, editing, and analyzing skills for broadcast media. It is pertinent to mention that our designed courses will enable students to work self-sufficiently and independently as media entrepreneur.
Program Objectives
Major objectives of the program are
To educate students about Film production and broadcast Journalism
To supply skilled and competent human resource to News and Entertainment media industries
To enable students to work independently and self-sufficiently as entrepreneur, producer, director, scriptwriter, post-production expert, documentarian, filmmaker etc.
To provide students education which is a combination of mainstream and digital media
To offer a competitive degree program, which is completely in line with the market requirements
To informs students about business practices in news and entertainment media industries at national and global level
Market Need/Rationale of the Program
Broadcast Media including Film, TV, radio and digital media❩ has always been a focus of attention in media and communication studies. With technological advancements, broadcast media has adopted new approaches in present age.  In Pakistan, Film, TV and Radio have always been of great importance; now a days, these mediums have become much more significant after their convergence to digital form. Considering the importance of broadcast media, department of Film and Broadcasting has designed BS Hons. in Film and Broadcast Media Studies. This program is fully in line with the requirements of media industry in Pakistan.  Major strength of this program is that it will equip students with skills and techniques required to work in various media industries including Cinema, Drama, Journalism and digital media. This program is meant to educate students about content production, writing, editing, marketing and business etc. Through this program, department will be providing multitasking human resource to the media market in Pakistan.


Teaching System


