Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab
Main Page > BS 4-Year in Public Relations and Advertising > Civic and Community Engagement (PRAD-109)

Civic and Community Engagement (PRAD-109)

This course is designed to provide students with fundamental knowledge about civics, citizenship, and community engagement, Students will learn about the essentials of civil society, government, civic responsibilities, inclusivity, and effective ways to participate in shaping the society which will help them apply theoretical knowledge to the real-world situations to make a positive impact on their communities.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate fundamental understanding of civics, government, citizenship and civil society.
2. Understand the concept of community and recognize the significance of community engagement for individuals and groups.
3. Recognize the importance of diversity and inclusivity for societal harmony and peaceful coexistence.

1. Introduction to Civics and Citizenship:
• Definition of civics, citizenship, and civic engagement.
• Historical evolution of civic participation.
• Types of citizenship: active, participatory, digital, etc.
• The relationship between democracy and citizenship.
2. Civics and Citizenship
• Concepts of civics, citizenship, and civic engagement.
• Foundations of modern society and citizenship.
• Types of citizenship: active, participatory, digital, etc.
3. State, government and Civil Society
• Structure and functions of government in Pakistan.
• The relationship between democracy and civil society.
• Right to vote and importance of political participation and representation.
4. Right and Responsibilities
• Overview of fundamental rights and liberties of citizens under Constitution of
• Pakistan 1973.
• Civic responsibilities and duties.
• Ethical considerations in civic engagement (accountability, non-violence, peacefuldialogue, civility, etc.)
5. Community Engagement
• Concept, nature and characteristics of community.
• Community development and social cohesion.
• Approaches to effective community engagement.
• Case studies of successful community driven initiatives.
6. Advocacy and Activism
• Public discourse and public opinion.
• Role of advocacy in addressing social issues.
• Social action movements.
7. Digital Citizenship and Technology
• The use of digital platforms for civic engagement.
• Cyber ethics and responsible use of social media.
• Digital divides and responsible (access, usage, socioeconomic, geographic, etc.) andtheir impacts on citizenship.
8. Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice:
• Understanding diversity in society (ethnic, cultural, economic, political etc.).
• Youth, women and minorities’ engagement in social development.
• Addressing social inequalities and injustices in Pakistan.
• Promoting inclusive citizenship and equal rights for societal harmony and peacefulcoexistence.
Credit hours/ Marks:- 2

Reference Books

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